Tanya Pekker
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in San Mateo
My Specialty Areas
Individual Therapy – In addition to easing or eliminating feelings of anxiety and depression, good psychotherapy can help you positively adjust your lifestyle. In other words, you are not simply learning something mildly interesting about yourself. The therapy process in and of itself powerfully affects relationships with others and your ability to deal with life’s challenges.
Couples Therapy – Typically, couples come in for approximately ten to twenty sessions and learn how to either improve intimacy on various levels by learning how to manage conflict effectively, or—if one member of the couple (or both) deems it necessary—learn how to part amicably and respectfully. In either situation, my experience has shown that each person has the opportunity to grow individually in this process, irrespective of the relationship’s next phase.
Phone-Based Therapy – This option is available only for people already working with me, who will be out of town for only a few months, or who become physically incapacitated. Any other arrangements will be handled on an individual basis. In most instances, phone-based therapy is not recommended.
In more details, I have experience and expertise in the following aspects of psychological consulting:
Individual Therapy
• Relationships.
• Eating Disorders.
• College Transitions.
• Sexual Assault and Abuse.
• Depression and Mid-Life Crisis.
• Stress and Anxiety Management.
• Anger Management.
• Career Issues.
• Work/Family Balance.
• Divorce Recovery.
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
• Immigration and Acculturation Issues.
• Addiction Treatment.
• Grief Management.
Couples Therapy
• Communication and Relationship Improvement.
• Infidelity.
• Intimacy.
• Conflict Resolution.
• Couples in Crisis.
• Sensuality and Sexuality.
• Marital Therapy.