Lou Ann Robinson
Tampa Bay Business Journal
4890 W Kennedy BlvdSuite 850Tampa, FL 33609Phone: 8138738225Email: lrobinson@bizjournals.com
The Tampa Bay Business Journal works with local businesses to take their marketing dollars even further by utilizing all three marketing options:
ONLINE - bizjournals.com/tampabay/ has 123,587 Average Monthly Unique Visitors and almost 440,000 Average Monthly Page Views. The Daily Update Email and the TBBJ Wake Up Call newsletters have almost 13,500 daily subscribers each & over a 50% open rate. Mobile App - http://biztb.mwap.at
EVENTS - hosting over 25 events annually that attract 10,000+ decision makers. These events provide a huge opportunity for 1 on 1 contact with new business prospects and customers
WEEKLY BUSINESS JOURNAL - with a 13.3% Circulation Growth from 2009 to 2011 including print and digital edition subscribers the newspaper remains extremely relevant. Local Business Leaders spend nearly 1 hour each week reading the number one source for local business news and information.