I am Real Estate Investor Free Agent:
I am not captive to any one company or group rather I am captive to my family. Personal, business and professional famiily that is.
I strive to find unique solutions that fit the need for each situation in this topsy turvy volotile economic environment we are in.
Nobody should feel that there is no hope or no solution to a problem with personal, business or home life. When one door closes another always opens.
I strive to travel as much as possible with the family and much time is spent on "Travel Baseball" with our miracle Andre.
There is no better therapy and joy than to watch that boy excel at something he loves so much!
To Health, Purpose in life and fullfillment!!!
12808 Eagles Entry DriveOdessa, FL 33556Phone: 813-920-5610Email: Attila@MFGCapitalGroup.com
What is "Strategic Default"? It is more common than you think!
Perhaps someone you know has the resources to keep paying on their Jumbo Mortgage yet due to the fact that their home (Mortgage) is under water, they deliberatley decide to default.
It is s business decision!
Maybe they have $200,000 worth of negative equity. The owner realizes that there is no way they can make up that kind of equity in the next 3-5 years.
We have an EQUITY REMEDY for these folks in these situations.
Bottom Line: We help take a person from Negative Equity to Positive Equity. The home owener gets to stay in the home, lower their monthly payments and regain lost equity! Plus they get to keep their excellent credit or for bad credit owners we can help repair credit to expedite to tranaction.
Bad credit owners OK!
Commercial Properties OK!
Good Credit Owners IDEAL!
Current on Mortgage OK!
Behind on Mortgage OK!
Go To: www.MyEquityRemedy.com