Redefining Therapy and Celebrating Individuality
Melissa Grosvenor is pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist practicing out of the Chicagoland area. Melissa specializes in treating children and families with sensory processing disorder, ASD, and other developmental disorders utilizing a developmental model. Melissa practices multidisciplinary treatment and enjoys collaborating and co-treating with other area professionals on a weekly basis. Besides individual therapy, Melissa acts an educational consultant including training and consulting with private and public schools on behalf of families. Additional areas of interest include supporting feeding therapy and running social groups using a DIR model. Melissa recived a Bachelor or Science in 2003 from the University of Illinois, Champaign. In 2005, Melissa grauduated with a Mater of Science in Speech Language Pathology from Rush University. Currently, Melissa is a Doctoral student in Infant Mental Health at ICDL Gruatute School. Melissa holds certifications in both DIR and RDI methodologies.
Pediatric Therapy Services
293 South Circle DrivePalatine, IL 60067Phone:
At Children's Revolution [Pediatric Therapy Services] we understand that children will make the most progress when they feel safe, nurtured, and valued. We believe a child's play is his work. We are dedicated to redefining speech and language therapy through the use of developmental models and supporting the parent-child dyad.
Children's Revolution offers speech, language, and developmental therapy for children from birth through 21 years of age based on the most current developmental and neurodevelopmental research. Beyond individual evaluations and therapy, Children's Revolution offers transdisciplinary cotreats, social groups, summer camp opportuities, and educational consultation.