Eric Hicks
(727) 753-8304
Eric A. Hicks, MBA - SavvyCard Web Developer
Eric Hicks is a Web Developer for SavvyPhone, as well as a successful Freelance Developer and small-business owner. Eric's passion is helping small businesses leverage the Internet to increase their business.
Eric is a multi-faceted web developer, with expertise in Programming, SEO, Internet Marketing, Copy-writing, and Video. Eric takes a whole-systems thinking approach to problem solving and applies this to web development to create innovative applications.
SavvyPhone, LLC
1810 S. Pinellas Ave.Suite OTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 858-4064Email:
SavvyCard is a web publishing system that enables rapid and cost effective deployment of content optimized for use on both traditional devices (desktop & laptop computers) and on mobile devices, including Smart Phones and Tablet PCs.
SavvyCard will revolutionize the way the mobile web is used for business and social interactions and includes a built-in viral distribution mechanism to facilitate rapid, mass market adoption. The first version of SavvyCards, called "People SavvyCards" (essentially "supercharged" web based business cards, like the one you're viewing) is scheduled for public launch in early 2012.