FREE Tamales & FREE Cocktails!
Come join SavvyPhone as we celebrate the Open Beta launch of SavvyCard, the web's most flexible and customizable online business card system!
This is an invitation only event.
Official invitation were distributed at SavvyCard's SXSWi booth at the SXSW Interactive Tradeshow this past Monday - Thursday. Even though the show is over, additional invitations are available at the door.
What is a SavvyCard?
SavvyCards are free, super-charged online business cards that are created using a patent-pending, proprietary web publishing system. You can create highly customized online business cards that offer supreme brand and messaging control and are viewable on all types of devices including desktops, tablets and smartphones. You can use the SavvyCard publishing system to create other types of cards, too: event cards, product cards, company cards, pet cards, team cards ... the possibilities are endless!
SavvyCards come with built-in search and contact tools as well so you can search for and store your SavvyCards in one place.
To learn more and to create your own free SavvyCard, visit