I accepted CHRIST as my saviour in 1980 when I was eight years old. In 2008 I was running from God, on dialysis with kidney failure and had lost the ability to walk. My doctor had given up on me because I had given up on myself. Lying flat on my back I cried out to the only One I knew could help me and He heard my cry. God showed me how much He and His Son JESUS loved me by pouring out LOVE like I had never felt before. GOD showed me a vision of what JESUS had to go through to redeem me from my sins. That night JESUS told me "PREACH MY WORD!". I started preaching and teaching at the church I was attending at that time. Two years later GOD healed my legs and feet. I got rid of the cane I had been using and took off the braces I had been wearing to help me walk. One year later in April of 2010 GOD gave me a kidney through a transplant. The next year, in April, 2011 GOD gave me a church to pastor. I pastored two churches in 3 years. God called me as a Pastor and Teacher to break the traditions of men in the churches, to call Christians to true repentance and holiness, to teach the FULL GOSPEL of THE KINGDOM just like JESUS told the church to do, to heal the sick and cast out demons, to WARN of the tribulation that the world, including the church, will soon have to face and proclaim the GLORIOUS RETURN OF THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!!!
12550 Manchester PikeSPIRITChristiana, TN 37037Phone: Email: spiritandtruthchurch424@gmail.com