Wayne Allyn Root is one of the most dynamic, charismatic, colorful, passionate, fiery, and outspoken Libertarian-conservative political personalities in America today. He is a best-selling author of 7 books, a regular guest on FOX News Channel, as well as hundreds of radio stations from coast to coast.
This REAGAN LIBERTARIAN was the 2008 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential nominee. He is an elected member of the Libertarian National Committee (the #1 vote-getter in the country); serves as Chairman of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee; and Vice Chairman of the Nevada Libertarian Party.
Wayne is also a featured speaker at many of the biggest Tea Party events in the country. He is a regular or weekly commentator and columnist at many of the most popular web sites in the country-,,,,, WorldNetDaily, DrudgeReport,,, and Glenn Beck’s His commentaries have also been published in newspapers such as the Washington Times and Las Vegas Review Journal.
Wayne is a guest on hundreds of the biggest radio shows in America- including regular appearances on “The Bill Cunningham Show” on Premiere Radio Network. He is a regular guest host for CBS Radio in Las Vegas; and has served as guest host for national radio shows such as G. Gordon Liddy, Jerry Doyle, Larry Elder, and “The Big Biz Show.
Wayne is not just a political star- he is a business star too. This passionate “Capitalist Evangelist” is a former anchorman and host of 5 shows on Financial News Network (now called CNBC). Wayne is an entrepreneur, economist, small businessman extraordinaire, business speaker and author, and passionate capitalist evangelist. Wayne appears weekly on the nationally syndicated “Big Biz Show” with his segment “ROOT on Business.” He serves as Senior Economic Advisor to a global financial services company, as well as national spokesman for several companies- including a precious metals firm. Wayne also serves on multiple Boards of Directors.
In his many appearances on FOX News, Fox Business, and CNBC, Wayne has predicted the collapse of the dollar, the decline of the U.S. economy, the dangers of the Fed, the looming disaster of public employee pensions, the great national threat of debt, the potential for a dramatic rise in inflation, and the incredible rise of gold and silver. He was among the first to warn of economic Armageddon if Obama’s big government, pro union, tax and spend policies were allowed to take effect. Wayne also predicted the rise of the Tea Party movement in his book, written in 2008. All of these predictions have been uncannily accurate.
A college classmate of Barack Obama at Columbia University (Class of ’83), Wayne is now the face and voice of Libertarian-conservative politics in the mainstream national media- with thousands of media appearances since the 2008 election. In each of those appearances he is a dynamic and passionate fighter on behalf of small business owners, taxpayers, entrepreneurship, capitalism, free markets, and dramatically lower taxes to reward the heroes of the business world- financial risk takers.
As a home-school father (whose daughter now attends Harvard), Wayne is also a passionate supporter of alternative education, school choice, charter schools, vouchers to encourage taxpayer’s choice, parental freedom, the end of tenure for teachers, and teacher pay based on performance- just like in the private sector.
His latest book, “The Conscience of a Libertarian- Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold & Tax Cuts!” was an Amazon best-seller for many months in the Libertarian category.
The media has called Wayne “a dynamic, youthful combination of Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, and Ron Paul…on STEROIDS!”
Wayne's Video Introduction:
Wayne's BIO:
Video of "A Day in Wayne's Life":
Wayne on TV:
Wayne on Radio:
Wayne's Speeches:
My Sites: