Change can be hard, but doesn't have to be! Let us introduce you to new possibilities, help you achieve fresh perspectives and meet new folks!
Don't miss this one-of-a-kind event! The Florida Divorce Expo™ presents "Your Smart New Start™", featuring experts to help with this lifestyle change!
Many various interests and concerns can be explored here, including legal, financial, cosmetic, self-improvement, personal, health, children and more!
Main Office
4377 North Commercial Way Spring Hill, Florida 34606
Phone: 8137166767 Email:
Divorce is a complex and stressful event happening to thousands of people everyday. We believe that too many people like you are facing more stress, more financial problems, (and more of everything else), than necessary. We're here to help you better handle on the stress that comes with these major changes, including the change of moving from "we" to "me".
?The Florida Divorce Expo™ is designed to give you opportunities to learn, share and discover how to take control of your life during divorce or separation. We want every one of our attendees to feel more confident about their future at the end of our day together! Even if you are not thinking about a divorce, just the "heads up" on what options are out there for you is a great thing to have! The Florida Divorce Expo™ is a carefully curated event, where guests can access information and advice about their divorce, (planned, possible, future, present or past), from professional experts who will have booths at the event. Speakers will conduct presentations relating to the the topic of moving forward.
All types of Individuals who may be considering divorce or other life-transforming change will attend. There will be useful resources here for everyone. Those who want to do research to select the best professionals to meet their needs can achieve that mission here. Individuals who have filed for divorce - and now need collaborative support - will get it.
People (now divorced or newly single) who are seeking a new beginning in the areas of career, personal lifestyle, health, or co-parenting will be especially well-served!
Exhibitors will include legal professionals, financial professionals, mediators, counselors, travel agencies, schools, lifestyle experts, fashion professionals, etc. Experts will be there to help with career, image, dating, issues relating to children, spirituality and so much more!