Create a Custom Background for your SavvyCard

General Overview

The SavvyCard editor gives you the option to design and upload custom backgrounds for your SavvyCards. Any graphics tool that can output a .jpg file can be used to create a custom SavvyCard background, so the steps detailed here should apply with little variation to other tools. Custom backgrounds must be 640 pixels wide x 960 pixels high at 72 dpi resolution and must be .jpg format.

Once you have created a custom background, you can upload the background to your card by going to the "Background" tab in the SavvyCard editor and selecting "Upload a Background."  Choose "Upload New" from the dialog and follow the provided instructions.

Create a Custom SavvyCard Background using Adobe Photoshop:

We've provided the following Adobe Photoshop Template to assist artists in creating custom backgrounds. The template includes instructions and guides.

  1. You must leave the areas that go behind the system generated text (company name, user name, user title, copyright text at the bottom) very "clean" and devoid of contrasting colors or busy designs so that text that appears on top of these areas and will be easily visible and readable across that area.
  2. The left side of the card background should be as "unbusy" as possible to avoid conflicting with the SavvyCard buttons which will appear there. Graphic elements that do appear on the left should be larger, not very complex and will look best docked to the bottom left.
  3. The graphic behind the image/photo area (the right side of the card) can have more "stuff" behind it, but be sure that if the background is to be used behind photos of people, that it won't look like "stuff" is sticking out from their heads, etc. Also be sure the background color in that area contrasts with the text color so long names and titles won't get "lost" if they run to the right side of the card and above people's heads. 

Customize Your SavvyCard

Businesses get the best results by using a professionally customized SavvyCard. We offer an inexpensive service to fully customize your SavvyCard artwork here. This service includes a one hour marketing consultation where we'll learn about your business and consult with you on strategies for using your SavvyCard as an effective marketing & sales tool.

Using your SavvyCard

Learn how to use SavvyCards to network and grow your business.